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My Love...

Welcome to this space. Whether you find that Root Safety has arrived right here, right now at the most divinely aligned time, or you're simply here to feel the energy the resonates within this program... I welcome you. I honor you. It is safe here. Safe to be.. safe to wonder... safe to question.


Because at the end of it all, this drive to not only feel and understand, but ultimately to expand is what connects us to the highest expression of our being and the manifestation of our most desired reality. This energy is sacred.


And it is only when we cultivate safety in our bodies that we can open to actually see clearly, experience fully, and receive that unfolding. Because it has never been about having all the answers and knowing exactly what to do. 


But rather how deeply you can tune in... root down into safety... and honor the answer that is already living, breathing, and pulsing within you. This is true in all things... in all moments. 


Take your time as you navigate this space. Listen to your body. And honor what's true.

Your sacred YES, sacred NO, and burning questions are always held with the highest reverence.

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The inspiration for this program was birthed as a solution to meet a practical need: to fill a gap in the healing continuum. Pelvic healing (and many other types of healing work) is NOT possible without safety in the body. In my work, I was connecting with people who passionately wanted to heal their their wounds around sex, unleash their true sensual expression, dissolve their fears around birth, and release their painful & unpredictable bleeds... but attempting to do any of that without cultivating peace, grounding, and trust in the body FIRST would be at best a major disservice, and at worst traumatizing. Results (if any) would be surface level, in the mind only, and wouldn't be integrated in the felt experience, making them unsustainable long term.


This course is meant to provide foundational resources for any healing journey but especially for pelvic healing. Safety must always come first. This is the container that allows pleasure, power, and abundance exist! Safety is the soil, your expression is the flower. Safety is the air we breathe, your authenticity is the sweet scent that is carried within it. 

The Connection to Pelvic Healing

The Science

The Body Remembers

Your body holds everything that goes unexpressed. We dive into the physiology behind exactly how this happens and why it's actually a good thing!

Safety is a Choice

Your reaction is what comes through unconsciously; your response is how you chose to show up. Safety in the body is not a matter of genetics, its a result of choice and practice!

Your Brain is Flexible

The connections your brain makes are never set in stone. We will cover ways to tap into this system so that you can cultivate the reality that you want!

Evolution Favors Safety

We evolved to avoid pain and seek pleasure. When safety is not sourced from within, we live for others in hopes of receiving validation. Self sourced safety means you live for YOU!

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The Spirit

Safety Must Be Felt

It is not enough to understand in your mind. Safety has to be experienced in the body. We explore a variety of ways to introduce and explore the sensation of safety.

You Are of The Earth

No matter your circumstance, you are of this Earth. You get to root into Her safety, power, groundedness, and abundance at ANY TIME. Mama Earth will be an ally in this program.

Safety is Your Birthright

Your only purpose in this lifetime is to be fully expressed. As a child, you knew safety and authentic expression. Experience has dimmed it... and now, it's time to reclaim it!

Your Pelvis is a Portal

My work revolves around this unending well of safety, power, and creation in your body. You will receive a variety of general and pelvic-specific tools to self source safety from within.

Why It Matters

Without safety there can be no healing. There is a reason the Root Chakra - energetic hub of safety, groundedness, and protection - comes first and all other energetic centers follow after. When there is a strong sense of safety, the fullest expressions of pleasure, power, love, truth, intuition, and connection can flow through. 


Safety in the body is the essence of calm, presence, and trust. A feeling that no matter what happens, you can hold it with peace and love in your heart. There is no sense of chaotic urgency. No pressure to act or decide. No judgement or fear. Just a gentle awareness of what is happening and an openness to receive or redirect. 


When safety is not present, you may be more likely to let subconscious pattens and beliefs dictate your perception of reality as well as your response to it. Learning what safety feels like in your unique body as well as how to access that feeling is a skill; arguably the single most important skill we, as conscious human beings, can learn. This is the skill that helps up move from a dysregulated nervous system (i.e. the feeling in your body that causes you to get defensive, get overwhelmed, have spiraling thoughts, sink into anxiety or depression, etc.) to a state of centeredness, clarity, and inner support. 


This program is meant to guide you in your journey of discovering, amplifying, and surrendering to your own inner source of safety.



The program contains 3 main modules and is meant to walk you through an in depth exploration of this topic:



Part I: The Physiology of Safety

This module is all about the science! Understanding exactly what's happening in your body is a powerful way to connect with the process of accessing deeper safety. Having this baseline awareness on an intellectual level makes it easer for your body to surrender and speak to you on an intuitive level.


Part II: Meet Your Body, Learn Your Language

In this module, you will learn how to start observing yourself and reflecting on what you find. Cookie cutter answers never work because your body, your experiences, your traumas, and your patterns are completely unique to you!! This part of the program provides you with a compass to to start exploring and navigating your depths!


III: Experience Through The Pelvis

The last module provides you with a variety of tools to help you connect with safety in your body as well as call upon it in a moment of intensity or dysregulation. This will include a variety of tools, many of which will focus directly on the pelvis, womb space, and/or root chakra #PelvicEmpowerment. 



My intention is that by the end of this program, you walk away feeling equipped to embrace any circumstance life places before you, knowing deeply, that you are always safe in your own body. 

This IS For You If:

🌕 You are actively on the journey of self healing 

🌕 You want to connect with your body more

🌕 You want to explore and understand your sensations

🌕 You want to learn the unique language of your body

🌕 You want to move out of your head and into your body

🌕 You value holistic healing and want to learn new tools

🌕 You're ready to take ownership of your healing

🌕 You're ready to meet and expand your edges

🌕 You feel that now is the right time

🌕 You feel deep resonance with my work

🌕 Your body and intuition say YES!! 

This IS NOT For You If:

🌑 Going into your body will be too overwhelming for you

🌑 You are looking for a Licensed Psychotherapist

🌑 You are not comfortable exploring your sensations

🌑 You are not open to holistic/energetic/spiritual practices

🌑 You are not ready to commit to this aspect of growth

🌑 Investing would feel like too much pressure right now

🌑 Your intuition says NO


Your Sacred "No" will always be held with respect and reverence here. Take your time, ask questions, and if your body says "this is not the right time," honor it. 

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Options & Pricing


Participate in your own time!


This is an excellent option if you knows this content is relevant for you, but you don't have the space to dive in all at once or participate in a group program. You can log in and navigate at any time. Any additional support can be purchased and added on separately! All content will be released on November 23rd!



Learn and grow in community!


This option includes all content plus a 3 week Live Coaching Container!  There will be weekly Group Coaching Calls to share and discuss the topics in each module (replays will be available). You will also have access to a group discussion board to share thoughts, wins, and ask questions. We start live on November 23rd!



Accelerate your personal growth!


This option includes everything in the Live Group Coaching Package PLUS three 1:1 Pelvic Empowerment Sessions to be used weekly (or after the program) as well as daily chat support throughout the 3-week group container. 


ATTENTION: All of the above links will direct you to pay in full.

I want this program to be as accessible as possible for everyone!

If you would like a payment plan (3, 6, or 12 months) for any of the above packages, send me an email or a direct message on Instagram and I will set it right up for you!! ​For example: the self paced package on a 12 month payment plan comes to ~$10 per month. 

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